Much thanks to all the folks who turned out for the first garden workday on Saturday. We had good representation from the new class, and thanks to Jane and Karen, learned proper pruning techniques. Sometimes, there’s a drawback to learning what you’re supposed to do, because after I went home, I saw all the things that I should have been doing all these years, and haven’t been. I keep falling back on the “Savage Garden” “Natural Look” explanation. Yeah. That’s the ticket. My story and I’m sticking to it.
We also got an introduction to our new Mantis Tiller and the old(er) Chipper/Shredder. Both are 4-cycle engines and use straight gasoline, no need to mix in oil with the fuel.
Enjoy the pictures.
Scent can be very problematic
3 hours ago
The chipper was amazing! It made short work of the pollinator garden debris. Sure beats lugging everything uphill to the compost pile. I expressed an interest in learning how to use the chipper. If anyone else is interested, please contact Jane Krumpe.